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See The Pond Build Images

When The Boulders Came to Stay


Under the original plans for the allotment and community garden site it was proposed to construct a pond at the south-westerly corner. This proposal is to proceed with the construction of this pond and associated site changes.

The proposed pond will be approximately circular with a gross diameter of 10 metres. The pond will be shallow with a progressive depth to circa 1 metre. It will be constructed from a bed of sand, underlay and a butyl liner. Outline quotations for the materials have been obtained from Distinctive Waterscape in Mansfield-Woodhouse and from a local aquatics supplier Mastin Moor Aquatics. The latter (which is located less than 100 metres from the site) has indicated an enthusiasm to be associated with the project. The construction work will be carried out on a no-cost basis by labour provided by persons carrying out community service work, organised by ?

On the advice of the aquatic businesses mentioned above, it is proposed to locate the pond just south west of a small bog area. This area is serviced by water feeding underground from surface water on the higher ground to the north east. Additional water will be fed into the bog via shallow banking in a crescent shape around the north east edge of the bog. Water will feed on a gradual drainage basis through a trough of gravel for filtration purposes. This system will be monitored and if it proves unsuccessful, steps will be taken to provide a mains water supplement. (nb: natural rain water or drainage water is a preferable feed for healthy pond life.

The pond and bog area will be populated by appropriate plants. The pond will be intended as a haven for wildlife, in particular insects, frogs, toads and newts. It will not be stocked with fish. Subject to the availability of funds, it will be intended to landscape the pond area with a backdrop of circa 1 metre diameter boulders. These will make an ideal home for the wildlife.

The existing path between the bog and proposed pond will be broken into to allow the pea gravel filtration bed to be created. A low level wooden bridge will be constructed over this filtration bed..

Full attention will be paid to ensuring safe access for wheelchair users and to minimise any risks associated with the bog and the pond. The site has only a shallow slope towards the pond and paths already exist around the pond area to the south west. The provision of the pond and bog garden is linked to efforts to provide raised beds, sensory garden and similar facilities to encourage active engagement and enjoyment for groups of people with disabilities. The pond will also support a burgeoning insect life which will be of significance to the wildflower meadow at the north east of the site.

The bog area already has a small plantation of trees, most of which have survived the critical first year. A number of strategically placed trees will be planted some 20-30 metres to the south of the pond as encouragement to bird life, provision of shelter and additional verdant profiling. The proposed budget for materials, plants and landscaping materials is detailed on the attached. Summary costs are:

Butyl liner and underlay £ 700

Sand and gravel £ 250

Bog and pond plants £ 250

Boulders £ 450

Trees £ 150

Frog and toad boxes etc £ 50

Bridge £ 480

PVC liner (bog garden surround) £ 40

Pebbles for pond edging £ 50

Landscaping/grassing of site around pond £ 200

Hire of mini digger (2 weekends) £ 230

Consultancy advice and contingencies £ 250

TOTAL £3100

The pond, filtration bed, bridge and bog garden will be constructed by labour

provided under the Community Service arrangements during Spring 2006.



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